Achieving our support goal

For a client to achieve independence, it is crucial that client fully engages with our. Most time, there could be certain barriers to engagement, hence we believe that adopting recording, monitoring and communicating methods with our client’s upsurges our level of understanding and allows Stepping Out and other professionals the knowledge and ability to help the client make changes. Thus, care plan will be updated for a positive outcome.

London Housing Associates offer far more than just accommodation and support. Our objective is to aid our clients on to independence. This cannot be successfully achieved if the client is not proactively monitored; moreover, our staff members are tasked with recording the client’s movements, decision making, conversations and actions throughout the day. This allows London housing and relevant professionals the opportunity to thoroughly assess and understand the client’s needs. The logs enable us to see patterns and understand why incidents may have taken place.

Weekly key working session with the resident capture issues and progress in areas such as health, Peer relationships, Education, Employment, Training, Sexual Health & Relationships, Economic Well-being, Independent skills and much more.

Setting goals and making weekly plans allows us to build a well-structured package whilst allowing the client to feel in control of their support, the plans are usually discussed and amended via key work session.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the London housing associates office near you or submit your enquiry online.

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