our services

We at London Housing Associates can support and guide all of our residents, by supporting them to overcome any issues that could be holding them back.

We provide accommodation for young people on their path to independence, some young people refer to leaving care as the instant expectation of adulthood. They are suddenly expected to know how to cook their own meals, run a home and manage their finances, all in one go and without any support.

This is why living at London Associates is a positive home to reside at, before leaving care can be hugely beneficial.

Semi-Independent Living: 

 These provisions are set up to provide a small group living environment in order to provide a homely setting. The small groups allow the service users to receive targeted support and close supervision, eliminating the issues of lack of engagement whilst ensuring the client does not feel overwhelmed and or crowded.

Downtime/self-time is encouraged.

Delivery of Service Our semi-independent unit deliver is a service that fully encompasses the needs of the service user:

How can we help you?

Contact us at the London housing associates office near you or submit your enquiry online.

Have a Referral for Supported Housing?