The first point of contact if you are not happy with the service is London housing associates Tenancy Support officers.

We can also record your comments on our service or policies, so the information can be used to make sure we are continuously improving, through house meetings etc.

Or you may wish to fill in our comments and suggestion forms. This can be requested from London housing associates or completed online ADD A basic complaints form

If you are still not satisfied with the service you receive from us you can access our complaints procedure.

We will dedicate time to investigate when you feel you are not getting the quality of service from us that you should be and require the issue to be further investigated.

To contact customer relations you can fill in our making a complaint form, which can be requested from London housing associates or completed online at …

If you need help to fill in this in or want more advice, please contact the customer support team.

Customer Support Team
Tel: +44 7932769794

Our complaints procedure has three different stages. We also have an appeals process once the stages completed completely. We will tell you within a target time what we can do to put the problem right. If you remain unhappy, you can take your complaint to the independent Housing Ombudsman.

However, you must have gone through all stages of our complaints procedure first.

Housing Ombudsman Service

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 152
Liverpool L33 7WQ

Our address for other correspondence is:

Housing Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9GE

Telephone : 0300 111 3000

Lines are open Monday to Friday from 9:15am to 5:15pm (except public holidays)

Calls to and from the 0300 111 3000 and direct dial lines of the Dispute Resolution Team are recorded for training and quality monitoring purposes.

Fax : 020 7831 1942
Email :

How can we help you?

Contact us at the London housing associates office near you or submit your enquiry online.

Have a Referral for Supported Housing?